Friday, June 5, 2015

3.1 Expectations, Efforts and Effects

Every Effort produces an Effect. Also every effort starts with an expectation. 

However, the Effect is almost never in line with our expectations – the Effect may be more than or in line with expectation, or less than or even opposite of our expectations. 

We then wonder why, while sincere intentions and serious efforts are not lacking, the results are not what we want.

Every action produces a reaction, opposite and equal, as per Law of Conservation of Momentum. Therefore, the effects should be equal to the efforts.

Also energy is neither created nor destroyed, as per the Laws of Conservation of Energy. Therefore, every effort (=energy spent) should fully fructify into ‘desired’ results. But in reality, the results are many times less than, or sometimes opposite of, our expectations.

Effects are not commensurate with Efforts because of:
·       Human limitation
·       Absence of Grace
·       Law of Karma

1.  Efforts do not produce ‘desired’ results due to human limitation:

Effect subsists in Efforts. Therefore, if desired effect does not come forth, it is probably due to inadequate capabilities (Skill, Will or Knowledge). 

We are not Omnipotent (i.e. we are Alpashaktiman). Consequently, our efforts will be always limited/deficient with respect to required Skill/Will/Knowledge. 

Therefore, to obtain desired effect in the phenomenal world, we have to improve our capabilities.

2.  Efforts do not produce ‘desired’ results due to the absence of Grace:

Every action has Merit (Guna) and Defect (Dosha). Action can never be perfect. 

This is because there are many factors which control the result of an action: Ground or Background (Adhistananm), Doer (Kartaa), Instruments used in action (Karanam), the process of action (Chestaa) and the invisible factor (Daivam). 

We can’t exercise control over the fifth (Invisible) factor (Daivam). 

Some people call it the ‘stellar-constellation/ planetary-configuration’, whereas others ascribe it to ‘luck’ factor. The believers, however, consider it as the Grace (of God). 

If it is properly sought and positively received, then we hit the bull’s eye; else, we fall flat on our face. 

Thus the grace of God, the Invisible factor (Daivam), is an in-built ingredient in every endeavor/ success-story.

3. Efforts do not produce ‘desired’ results due to Law of Karma:

Scriptures proclaim that we have right over Efforts only (Karmani eva Adhikar aste) (i.e. Efforts are Man’s prerogative – how much, when). We have no right over the fruits of our efforts (Maa Karmaphaleshu Kadachana) (i.e. Effects are God’s prerogative – how much, when).

What we get is what we were destined to get. Though it may not be in line with our (present) wishes, it is perfectly in line with our (past) Karma. 

As a corollary, if today’s efforts are with commendable intent and commensurate effort, then we will surely reap its fruits at the fitness of time (in future).

If what we get is due to Law of Karma, then what happens to ‘unused’ efforts?

The biggest mistake we make with respect to results is that we measure our success in terms of quantum of object obtained in the physical realm. What we totally miss out is the effect of our efforts in the subtle and causal realms.

Every effort produces 3 end-results:
·       Objects of Desire in Gross realm
·       Experience (Anubhava) in Subtle realm
·       Karmic residue (Apurva) in the Causal realm

Object of Desire: It is the visible part of the effect. 

He who recognizes only this aspect of the effect is an ordinary man, a man-of-the-world. 

He measures the ‘success rate’ of his endeavor with the quantum and quality of Object of Desire obtained. 

He, therefore, gets elated when the Object of Desire is in line with his expectations (even if it is out of luck or even though there may be no guarantee of getting it next time).

When the Object of Desire is less than or opposite of expectations, he gets depressed. He then withdraws from future attempts/efforts. He is not helping the Wheel of Creation (Samsara Chakram) in its movement. He becomes a drag on the Wheel of Creation. He is pulled by Wheel of Creation. 

He is a net ‘consumer’. 

Experience: It is the subtle/discernible part of the effect. 

He who recognizes this aspect of the effect is a wise man (Viveki). 

He values the experience associated with the success/failure as important as the Objects of Desire. 

He has learnt the lesson – how to or how not to put in efforts. This experience forms the basis for his next attempt. 

He may or may not be disturbed; however, through repeated attempts/efforts he keeps the Wheel of Creation moving incessantly. He ‘pushes’ as well as gets ‘pulled’ by the Wheel of Creation. 

He contributes as well as consumes.

Karmic residue (Apurva): It is the invisible part of the effect. 

He who recognizes this aspect of the effect is an enlightened man (Jnani). 

His attitude towards the motive is one of dispassion (Nishkaama) & towards results, one of glad acceptance (Prasada Buddhi). 

Every work of his is dedicated to Lord (Samarpanam) & he strives & strains every bit to make it a success. 

He helps the Wheel of Creation move continuously. He only pushes but never gets pulled by the Wheel of Creation nor is he a drag on it. 

He contributes much more than what he consumes.

The equation which satisfies the Law of Conservation of Momentum, Law of conservation of Energy and Law of Karma is:
Effort + Karma (Opening Balance) =                                   
Object-of-Desire + Experience + Karmic carry-over.

·   Every effort produces intended effect.
·  The effect is equal in intent & quantity to the extent  and quality of efforts.
·   The effect is in the gross, subtle and/or causal realms.

·   If we have this understanding & attitude, we are          liberated even in this life.

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